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甲基苯丙胺 vs. 腦損傷

基苯丙胺或甲基安非他命(英語:Methamphetamine,全名是))是強效的中樞神經系統刺激劑,主要被用於娛樂用途,較少被用於治療注意力不足過動症和肥胖症,即便有也被當成第二線療法。甲基苯丙胺是在1893年發現,有二種对映异构:分別是左旋甲基苯丙胺(levo-methamphetamine)及右旋甲基苯丙胺(dextro-methamphetamine)。「甲基苯丙胺」一般是指左旋甲基苯丙胺及右旋甲基苯丙胺各佔一半的外消旋混合物。甲基安非他命較少被醫師處方,因為可能會,以及有用作春藥和欣快感促進劑等風險。而且已有療效相同,而對人體危害風險更低的替代藥物。 在美國能直接在市面上購買主成分為左旋甲基苯丙胺的吸入型因為它被視為非处方药。 甲基苯丙胺常因為它們的藥效動力學屬性而被非法交易,用於娛樂用途。非法使用甲基苯丙胺在亚洲部分地区、大洋洲和美国最为普遍。在美国,消旋以及左旋、右旋甲基苯丙胺均为。 Levomethamphetamine is available as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug for use as an inhaled in the United States. Internationally, the production, distribution, sale, and possession of methamphetamine is restricted or banned in many countries, due to its placement in schedule II of the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances treaty. While dextromethamphetamine is a more potent drug, racemic methamphetamine is sometimes illicitly produced due to the relative ease of and limited availability of chemical precursors. In low doses, methamphetamine can elevate mood, increase alertness, concentration and energy in fatigued individuals, reduce appetite, and promote weight loss. At higher doses, it can induce, breakdown of skeletal muscle, and bleeding in the brain. Chronic high-dose use can precipitate unpredictable and rapid s, (e.g., paranoia, hallucinations, delirium, and delusions) and violent behavior. Recreationally, methamphetamine's ability to has been reported to lift mood and increase sexual desire to such an extent that users are able to engage in sexual activity continuously for several days. Methamphetamine is known to possess a high addiction liability (i.e., a high likelihood that long-term or high dose use will lead to compulsive drug use) and high dependence liability (i.e. a high likelihood that withdrawal symptoms will occur when methamphetamine use ceases). Heavy recreational use of methamphetamine may lead to a, which can persist for months beyond the typical withdrawal period. Unlike amphetamine, methamphetamine is to human midbrain neurons. It has also been shown to damage serotonin neurons in the CNS. This damage includes adverse changes in brain structure and function, such as reductions in grey matter volume in several brain regions and adverse changes in markers of metabolic integrity. Methamphetamine belongs to the and. It is related to the other s as a positional isomer of these compounds, which share the common chemical formula:. 腦損傷(Brain damage)或腦部受傷(brain injury,簡稱BI)是指人腦細胞的受損或是退化。腦損傷可能因為一些內在或是外在的因素所造成。一般而言,會用「腦損傷」來表達一般明顯的,因為腦部受創造成的損傷,而用神經毒性表示選擇性的,因為化學物質引起的腦部損傷。 腦損傷中有一大部份屬於(TBI),是因為頭部外傷或是重創造成的損傷,而(ABI)是用來區分腦損傷是在出生後受到的腦部損傷,或是因為或先天性障碍造成的損傷。.


甲基苯丙胺和腦損傷有1共同点(的联盟百科): 神經元


经元(neuron),又名神经原或神经细胞(英語:nerve cell),是神经系统的结构与功能单位之一。神经元能感知环境的变化,再将信息传递给其他的神经元,并指令集体做出反应。神經元佔了神經系統約10%,其他大部分由膠狀細胞所構成。基本構造由樹突、軸突、髓鞘、細胞核組成。傳遞形成電流,在其尾端為受體,藉由化學物質(化学递质)傳導(多巴胺、乙醯膽鹼),在適當的量傳遞後在兩個突觸間形成電流傳導。 人脑中,神经细胞约有860亿个。其中约有700亿个为小脑颗粒细胞(cerebellar granule cell)。.

甲基苯丙胺和神經元 · 神經元和腦損傷 · 查看更多 »



甲基苯丙胺有138个关系,而腦損傷有12个。由于它们的共同之处1,杰卡德指数为0.67% = 1 / (138 + 12)。



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