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Stellan Skarsgård和贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔

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Stellan Skarsgård和贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔之间的区别

Stellan Skarsgård vs. 贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔

#重定向 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德. 《贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔》(Beowulf & Grendel)是一部改编自古英語史诗《贝奥武夫》的電影,內容讲述挪威武士贝奥武夫为对抗强大危险的巨人格兰戴尔,與之展开血战。它是在冰岛拍摄的,斯特拉·古纳逊导演,杰拉德·巴特勒饰贝奥武夫、伊格瓦·艾格特·西格罗森饰格伦戴尔、萨拉·波莉饰巫女赛尔玛。它是加拿大、英国和冰岛合作拍摄的。希尔玛·奥恩·希尔玛逊作曲。故事发生在6世纪今天是丹麦的地方,但是冰岛为这部电影提供了许多外景。 Seattle Post-Intelligencer (June 16, 2006) by William Arnold Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly commends director Gunnarsson for his " on the more interesting psychology of tribalism." Bill Gallo of Village Voice writes, "It's good, bloody fun that stirs the intellect whenever it feels like it, and as a swashbuckler, the dead-game Butler outswings just about anyone in Troy or Kingdom of Heaven or Tristan & Isolde." The film has at least one major champion in Danél Griffin of Film as Art (for University of Alaska Southeast), who claims it "exists on the same plane of unadulterated genius as other mad, operatic visions like von Stroheim's Greed, Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Herzog's Fitzcarraldo, Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Leone's Once Upon a Time in America." He hails the film for its reinterpretation of the poem as "a study of sharp contrast our ego-inflated perception versus the more humbling reality of our existence....

之间Stellan Skarsgård和贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔相似

Stellan Skarsgård和贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔有(在联盟百科)0共同点。


Stellan Skarsgård和贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔之间的比较

Stellan Skarsgård具有1的关系,而贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔有27个。由于它们的共同之处0,杰卡德指数为0.00% = 0 / (1 + 27)。


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