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指数 Serotype

#重定向 血清型.

2 关系: 鉤恙蟎屬正黏液病毒科


鉤恙蟎屬(Leptotrombidium;()是蛛形綱蜱蟎亞綱蟎形總目恙蟎目恙蟎總科恙蟎科之下的一個屬,可透過叮咬人類而令人類感染恙蟲病(恙蟲東方體感染,亦作叢林斑疹傷寒)。The larval form (called chiggers) feeds on rodents, but also occasionally humans and other large mammals. They are related to the harvest mites of the North America and Europe. It was originally thought that rodents were the main reservoir for O. tsutsugamushi and that the mites were merely vectors of infection: that is, the mites only transferred the contagion from the rodents to humans. However, it is now known that the mites only feed once in their lifetime, which means that transmission from rodent to human via the mites is impossible (for it to have been possible, the mite would have to feed at least twice, once on the infected rodent and again on the human who would then be infected). Instead, the bacterium persists in the mites through transovarial transmission, where infected mites transmit the infection to their unborn offspring. Leptotrombidium mites are therefore both vector and reservoir for O. tsutsugamushi. The infection predominantly affects female mites, and does not appear to otherwise harm the mites.

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正黏液病毒科(Orthomyxoviridae,希臘文Orthos有「正確,直」之意;myxo有「粘液」之意)屬於負鏈RNA病毒,共有六個屬,此科的病毒可感染脊椎動物。造成流行性感冒的病毒正是正黏液病毒科的一員,屬於負鏈RNA病毒。正黏液病毒科可分為四屬病毒,三屬為流行性感冒病毒,分為A型、B型及C型流行性感冒病毒,以及传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒屬和托高土病毒屬。流行性感冒病毒可以感染人、馬、豬及禽類(參見禽流感),其中A型流行性感冒病毒可以感染人、豬、馬及鳥類,而B型流行性感冒,僅可感染人類。C型流行性感冒病毒僅感染人、豬,造成之病害較少。 A型及B型流行性感冒病毒之感染力非常強,傳播速度非常快,可以稱之為最重要的疾病之一,感染範圍遍及世界各大洲。水禽類,尤其是候鳥,為各不同血清型病毒之帶原者及病毒重組之動物。传染性鲑鱼贫血病毒則鮭魚,托高土病毒則可以感染脊椎動物及非脊椎動物,如蚊子和海蝨。 本科中有三屬為流感病毒,其分類方法依照其表面NP及M抗原相異性:.

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